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To Maintain Sweater Export Growth, Innovation And Value Addition Are Essential.

Responsible 50 Star

Sweaters are in packaging process on factory in Bangladesh || Properties of 50 Star US Inc.
Sweaters are in packaging process on factory in Bangladesh || Properties of 50 Star US Inc.

50 Star US Inc.

Bangladesh is a popular choice among international buyers for their garment sourcing locations. Additionally, Bangladesh is growing in importance as a destination for the whole fashion industry's garment procurement, as companies trust Bangladesh for its dependability, capacity, and safety.

Additionally, a lot of work orders are relocating from China, Vietnam, and other locations as the global geopolitical environment changes.

Additionally, the nation has expanded its inventory of fashion products to include high-value items. The country has benefited from the change in global fashion trends. One of the changes is that sweaters, with the idea of being next to the skin, become an all-weather fashion item in chilly regions. Due to climate change, many frigid nations have experienced an increase in temperature, which has decreased demand for heavy sweaters and increased demand for lightweight sweaters. Following China, Bangladesh is one of the biggest exporters of sweaters.

The main export markets, according to data, are Canada, the EU, and the USA. And the nation exported approximately $5.64 billion worth of sweaters in the most recent fiscal year. And according to data from the Export Promotion Bureau (EPB), it increased by 12.62 percent year over year to $4.05 billion in fiscal year 2020–21.

With 13.23% of the value of all garment exports, it is currently Bangladesh's third-largest export. Sweaters are made in almost 600 facilities in Bangladesh.

The sector needs to evaluate market intelligence and co-create the product to hasten advancement. It's crucial to properly read the buyer tech packets in order to demonstrate the capabilities.

We need to investigate and invest more in local routes to bring closer to the needlepoint in order to enhance trading flexibilities. In order to boost trading, we also need to innovate with beautiful yarn dyeing. It is necessary to concentrate on sustainable qualities as well as renewable energy. To deal with circularity, more attention must be paid to reusing, recycling, and upcycling. There should be more usage of some specialized washes, such as acid wash and lambs' wool treatment. One strategy is to place more emphasis on Nobel fibers, such as by investigating the entire supply chain of pure cashmere.


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